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<---That's Marvin. He is my fur baby (just don't tell him he is not an actual baby because it would devastate him). I can't tell you about me without including him, so his story will go first. Marvin was born in December of 2011. He was tiny and weak. His biological mother rejected him. She was flinging him around the enclosure with her snout roughly. I stepped in and saved him immediately. I placed him in a fleece sock inside my shirt to keep him warm, went to the store to buy bottles and formula, and pledged my protection and love to him for as long as he might survive. It was touch-and-go for the first week. I took him out of my shirt and fed him every two hours around the clock, but he didn't eat much. Eventually, he gained strength. By the fourth week, I knew he would be just fine...even though he was half the size of his siblings. Fast forward to today. Marvin is happy and healthy, super smart and spoiled, and will forever be my tiniest love! His favorite place to be while I am writing (or any other time) is snuggled up next to me under a fleece blanket. 

     Now, about me. Yes, I write...which is why you are here, I assume. I write poetry and fiction in pretty much any genre. But, there is so much more to me than that! I live in Vermont, which is gorgeous throughout the year- with the brief exception of mud season. I reside with my spouse and my youngest child (the older three have left the nest and are adulting fairly well). We have Marvin, two dogs, a lizard, and some fish. The oldest dog was rescued from the side of the road when she was six weeks old. She was literally left in a ditch. The other dog is my grandpup and she fits in my cupped hands. The lizard is sweet and loves to cuddle. One fish (the pleco) is huge and fat; the other two fish are tiny GloFish.

     Our extended family is enormous and we love to spend time with as many of them as we can. We also enjoy television shows and movies, video games, being outdoors-fishing, swimming, gardening, etc., cooking and eating...but READING is my drug! Once I open a book, I get sucked in. I forget the world until my eyes slip over the last sentence. I don't eat, I don't drink, I don't hear voices. It is my dream to pen addictive words for someone else. If one person can read something I have written and become so immersed that the outside world has ceased to exist for them, I will die a happy person and consider myself an accomplished author. 

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